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Tired of feeling overwhelmed and frustrated by ineffective wellness routines? You're not alone.

If there’s one thing that’s true about me, I’m endlessly curious and constantly seeking to improve. Always aiming to achieve my peak performance. But let's be honest, it's not easy when you’re raising two young girls and juggling life as an entrepreneur.

On paper, I was checking all the boxes of things I “should” be doing to be physically & mentally strong. I would workout regularly, eat a nutritious diet, meditate daily - all the things - and yet it wasn’t enough.

I felt like I was stuck in a never-ending cycle. Ever finish a workout only to feel drained instead of energized? That was me, every single time. I was struggling with my sleep, feeling restless and tossing around night after night. My ability to focus was taking a hit, leaving me feeling mentally foggy despite my best efforts.

But here's the surprising twist. Change didn't come from doing more, it was doing less...and I had to take the plunge!

Secretly, I’d been curious about cold plunging for years. I read all the research, listened to podcasts, and watched other people plunge on social media. Yet, I hesitated, held back by my aversion to cold water and the fear of adding yet another wellness routine to my already packed schedule.

One spring day, I’d had enough! I could no longer wait and wonder - I had to do something!

In true Kris fashion, I secretly bought all the materials to make a cold plunge. While I eyed the beautiful versions on IG, I wanted to see if cold plunging really worked for me before making a big investment.

So I started where any logical woman would - buying a horse trough from Ace Hardware! Armed with the basics, a trough, storage bins to create large ice blocks and hydrogen peroxide to keep ‘er clean, I was ready to go!

When I say I did this in secret, I didn’t tell anyone. I was embarrassed to add yet another wellness routine and was anticipating my husband’s eye roll when he saw the big tub set up in the backyard. Well, my own fear was short-lived, because upon the first plunge, we were both hooked! YES BOTH - even my husband who is slower to try my alternative health ideas was hooked!


  • I instantly felt the mental clarity I was longing for. It’s as if the cold water brushed away all the cobwebs and my mind was clear & focused as if I was 1/2 my age.
  • My husband felt his aches and pains (the ones we’re all increasing with age) melt away. On the days he plunged he’d feel freedom from the pesky and persistent aches & pains he’d had for years.
  • We both unlocked new levels of energy - the energy boost was real. There’s a reason I plunge before taking my kids to school - it sets my whole day up for next-level success

I’m never one to keep things to myself - if I love a practice, you’re going to hear about it! The reality is we're bombarded by wellness practices all day every day, it’s exhausting and hard to know what will really work for you. What I know is by the science (and testing in real life) cold therapy is a game changer!

Here’s the honest truth…

You can keep spending hours each week grinding away, trying to fit in your workout, meditation practice, and active recovery - and still not feeling great.

Or you can boost your recovery, mood, and focus by ice plunging for only 2 minutes per day.

If you’re ready to ditch the grind and unrealistic expectations of constantly doing more, join me and learn how cold therapy can change your mental & physical wellness!

Let's do this!